
80 hours

Monitoring Method


Language of Delivery


Start Date



Athens, Greece


By attending the “Diploma in Fashion Management” program of IST, you will acquire not only the valuable theoretical knowledge for the successful organization, management, promotion and development of a fashion company, but also all the practical skills required, through your participation in individual projects and workshops .

With the guidance of the program’s specialized speakers as well as a group of important and renowned people in the field of fashion who, as Guest Speakers, will convey their own knowledge, experience and success stories, you will acquire all the resources to work in the field of Fashion, regardless of the specific subject (eg clothing, footwear, e-shop, event management, social media management, etc.) and if you are already in the Fashion Industry you will improve and renew your professional profile.

Objectives of the programme

Through the “Diploma in Fashion Management” you will learn in detail about all the parameters of a Fashion Business and thus you will gain the knowledge to develop a Business Plan and Business Canvas Model. After establishing cognitive foundations around Fashion according to Social Psychology, we will analyze its importance in relation to the Market and Trade. With this program you will understand the entire Fashion Value Chain, the Key Sectors of the Industry and the Business Opportunities that exist.

The Marketing & Branding Strategy will be analyzed as well as all the elements that make up the Corporate Identity (Brand Identity), how Market Positioning is done, but also how a strong Competitive Advantage is built. At the same time, among the key points that will be analyzed are Consumer Behavior, Strategic Market Research and Risk Management. Another important module is Sustainability & Sustainability Plan, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and Ethics in Fashion Leadership.

You will also focus on the principles of Fashion communication through Advertising (writing, design) and Public Relations (case studies) as well as Event Organization & Fashion Shows.

Two main sections that will be analyzed are Fashion Buying & Merchandise Planning and Visual Merchandising, which you will examine both in terms of physical stores and how it now works online (creating a Fashion E-shop).

Finally, in the era when new technologies change rapidly and Social Media play a decisive role in the promotion and reputation of any business, you will deal extensively with the Digital Strategy of the Business, the promotion of the Fashion Brand in the modern world of Media such as e.g. print, digital media and Influencers, Fashion Blogging, Facebook/Google/Instagram etc.

This specific program will provide you with the necessary knowledge to grow as a business in the field of Fashion, analyzing one by one the steps for building a healthy and modern Fashion business. You will learn the tools & techniques of creating, growing and redesigning a fashion business as well as the specific skills an entrepreneur must possess in order to stand out in a globally competitive market.

Monitoring Benefits

  • Global Understanding of the Fashion Industry: Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of Fashion, covering all aspects from design and production to marketing and sales.
  • Practical Skills for Fashion Business: Participants will develop practical skills covering the design, production, management, sales and promotion of a fashion business.
  • Marketing and Branding Strategy: They will understand the importance of marketing strategy and how to build a strong brand in the Fashion market.
  • Business Plan Development: By analyzing all the parameters of a fashion business, participants will be able to develop a business plan and a Business Canvas Model.
  • Understanding New Trends and Technologies: With extensive references to Digital tools and new technologies in Fashion, participants will be in touch with the latest developments.

Entry Requirements

The Diploma in Fashion Management is aimed at all those who are interested in doing business in the field of Fashion or are already Fashion entrepreneurs and want to develop or further improve their activity, having a global knowledge and understanding of all the processes that govern it. Graduates of Fashion Schools, Owners of Clothing and Fashion Stores, Executives of Fashion Stores & Companies, Fashion Product Creators.


Margarita Gourgourini has over 15 years of experience in the field of branding, communication and strategy. He has delivered social media strategy and content for major studio films, Greek blockbusters, musicians, organizations, technology and finally the area he loves the most – Fashion. He has launched and built Greek brands from scratch and continues to empower communities on the internet. She began her studies in fashion design in Athens to continue in Florence in theater and cinema costumes and also in the history of fashion. She quickly realized that what attracts her most to fashion, are the stories of the people who wear them and even more – those who create them. She has been a steady fashion and culture columnist for about 5 years at Lifo. Her texts are still hosted in Madame Figaro.

Today, she works steadily with two successful Greek fashion brands, Karavan and Katerina Psoma, runs other consulting projects and organizes workshops. He has created the podcast The King is Naked with monthly episodes that explore our society, and the ways we choose to dress to live in it.

Alexandra Varla is an Athens Lawyer, a graduate of the Athens Law Department and holder of an LLM in International Business Law from Queen Mary University of London. Specializes in the areas of Intellectual Property, E-Commerce and Personal Data. Alexandra handles cases that touch the entire spectrum of Commercial Law and manages, in particular, complex and specialized legal issues, which arise during the application of Intellectual Property Law and E-Commerce, in the particular Fashion industry. He has extensive experience in the legal framework and fundamentals governing online transactions and e-commerce, providing expert, practical advice on contracting, e-invoicing and compliance with Consumer and Personal Data Protection Law, in an online environment.

She is the founder of the organization “Tailored: Law & Business in the Fashion & Luxury Industry”. He co-organized the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Panhellenic Conference on Law, Fashion and Entrepreneurship under the name “Fashioning the Law: Design – Protect – Trade – Mediate” and has published studies on law in the field of fashion and luxury.

Anastasia Apostolidou is a Fashion Management & Marketing Lecturer with over 15 years of experience and international contribution in the field of Fashion. Possesses a wide range of industry knowledge. He has been active in the field of Academic Research & Education for the last 10 years, having collaborated with distinguished universities in Sweden, India, China and Greece. At the same time, he deals with business consulting, mentoring and coaching, with an awareness of holistic development and evolution.



During the Diploma, the participants, under the guidance of the lecturers, will create a project entitled “Creating a Business Canvas for the Fashion Business”

Topics of Presentations Guest Speakers

Maintaining a fashion brand 40 years later.

Design & Production Cycle/Analysis of the Design & Production Cycle.

The creation of the biggest fashion event.

Communication, the necessity of Public Relations & Personal Branding in practice.

The constant changes in the PR Business.

On My… Shoes!
A fashion story: From the idea to the creation of a luxury brand of luxury shoes handmade in Athens and from creativity to reality…

  • Registration and protection of Intellectual Property rights
  • Trademarks
  • Privacy
  • Online Transactions

The Role of Social Media in Event Management. Two parallel worlds.

Modes of Delivery

The program is offered to:

  • Scheduled Department at our facilities – 68 Sygrou St. (Next to Sygrou Metro – Fix)
  • Online participation in the classroom during the course following the course schedule (modern distance learning).
  • E-learning with on-demand watching video lessons in your own time with a personalized study program, through the modern educational platform of IST College (asynchronous distance learning).
  • Blended Learning: Create your own flexible study program using any of the above tracking methods in combination.


The Diploma is certified for the quality of its subject matter, its lecturers, the way students are evaluated, but also the quality of its material, with the Advanced level Quality Training Label scheme by ACTA – Technovlastos of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

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