
18 hours

Monitoring Method

Online & On demand

Language of Delivery


Start Date



Athens, Greece


Coaching is a process of assistance and facilitation that enables individuals, groups and organizations to acquire new skills, improve existing skills, abilities and performance and enhance their personal effectiveness or personal development (Ellinger et.al, 2008 as cited in Rush & Shelden, 2011).

Based on this principle, in the “Life Coaching & Personal Development” seminar of IST College you will have the unique opportunity to get in touch with yourself, to recognize what is really important to you, to understand your values ​​and beliefs, so that by prioritizing your needs, you will find a way to get closer to your goals and success, as you will now define it!

Monitoring Benefits

We will start by admitting that all the wonderful, unique and magical things we desire, dream and long for, are found through learning and exploring our own selves!

Through the different tools you will try and through your interaction with others:

  • You will identify the pillars of your life and the ways they balance and interact with each other, so you can learn to evaluate and prioritize them.
  • You will discover the image of yourself both through you and through the eyes of others as well as the roles you are called to cope with every day, so that you can understand them and grow through them.
  • You will discover the values ​​and beliefs that determine your steps and decisions, so that you can evaluate them and identify the way they motivate you.
  • You will carve out your own unique path to success.
  • You will learn to effectively communicate goals and what is important to you.
  • You will learn what your comfort zone is so that you can step out of it and manage the changes with confidence and confidence.
  • You will learn to explore every issue from a variety of angles, without conflicts, in a clear way so that you can effectively face every challenge and get closer to what you really want.

In conclusion, you will learn that the path to everything you desire starts with you!

Key Highlights

  • Flexible Mode of Attendance: The seminar offers flexibility of attendance, allowing participants to attend it from their place and according to their personal schedule.
  • Access to IST’s Dynamic Learning Platform: Participants will have access to a platform that provides rich learning materials, exercises, resources and tools to deepen the subject.
  • Teaching based on the Interactive Approach: The seminar focuses on participation and interoperability, allowing participants to activate critical thinking and exchange views.
  • Personalized Identification of Needs: The program advisor will help you identify your exact needs and formulate a personalized approach.

Objectives of the programme

Through the sessions, the different techniques we will use and the topics we will cover, the aim is to strengthen positive thinking and creative goal setting, focusing on understanding values ​​and beliefs, self-image and effective change management through recognition of the comfort zone and the unique opportunities that are revealed by stepping out of it.

Entry Requirements

The program does not require prior knowledge and is designed in such a way that it can be followed.

  • From new and existing IST College students, so that by knowing themselves they can navigate their chosen learning journey with greater confidence and self-confidence and chart their own path to success.
  • From everyone who wants to constantly discover themselves, be surprised by it and believe that success starts with ourselves.



VOISABVA THEODORA RAPO- Mental Health Consultant | Life Coach

“Persistent, immovable and curious, throughout my educational and professional career I have dealt with various objects, with one common denominator: the human being.

Focused on people and with absolute respect for their needs, I am actively involved in the development and improvement of the quality of life of adults, both privately and in collaboration with various agencies. My approach is based on the principles of C. Rogers’ Person-Centered Approach and coaching, with the aim of providing a holistic approach, ideal for every need.”


Through the meetings and the different techniques that will be used, the aim is to strengthen a more positive way of thinking and a more creative way of goal setting, focusing on understanding the values, beliefs and self-image of each one individually, so that we arrive through a unique journey of getting to know ourselves in the most effective management of changes through the recognition of the comfort zone and the unique opportunities that are revealed by stepping out of it! Then we will get to know one of the most popular and pleasantly subversive coaching tools, with the help of which you will identify the most important pillars of your life, the degree of satisfaction for each of them and the degree to which they work in balance and harmony. By recognizing the parts that make up our life, the way they interact and are influenced by each other, we gain the necessary clarity needed to build a more balanced and healthy everyday life, where everything works in the best possible way for us.

The concepts of “value” and “belief” are not easy to define, let alone capture. They are deep
-rooted foundations of our character that have been carved slowly and steadily from the first moment of
our existence. By learning what they are, their roots and above all how they influence and determine your daily steps and decisions, you will be able to identify the way they motivate you and how effectively they help you reach your goals. In addition, we will enrich this knowledge with Self-image and Roles “Who am I?” is the question we all ask at some point in our lives. The answer may seem simple, but it has as many answers as the roles each one of us has! Through this unit, you will learn the image you have of yourself, the image that others have of you and at the same time you will discover the many roles that make up the whole, namely you! It will be a pleasant and at the same time enlightening surprise!

Based on everything you have discovered so far and learning to prioritize your needs, you will create
your own “recipe for success” that will be in perfect harmony and coherence with what you really are and
what you desire. Self-actualization and success cannot be the same for everyone. They are as unique as you are!

We all have the natural ability to communicate, but without fully understanding when it is
effective and when it is not, when it is an obstacle to what we want to achieve and when it is a tool for
their realization. Together we will learn the appropriate techniques to improve the way
we communicate what is important to us but also to understand how these are perceived by

In an age where everything changes daily, unexpectedly and without any fixed pattern, it makes sense to
try to move within our comfort zone, where we feel safe and secure. Through this unit and recognizing what it is, you will learn that by leaving it you can not only
enrich your knowledge and development, but manage every change with the same confidence and security!

Through the method of the “6 Thinking Hats” you will learn how to investigate every issue from various angles, without conflicts, in a clear way. You will move outside of the usual way you have been taught to think, trying different approaches in order to find the most constructive way to move forward and towards your goals.
Completing this journey of self-knowledge, in our final section you will re-evaluate what
is important in your life. What new important aspect of your life did you discover or confirm? What
balance did you restore? How happy are you with what you finally decided for yourself? With which goal will
you proceed? These are some of the things we will discuss in closing this seminar so that
you can move forward with confidence and confidence into your future!

Modes of Delivery

  • Participation in the classroom during the course following the course schedule (modern distance learning).
  • E-learning with on-demand watching video lessons in your own time with a personalized study program, through the modern educational platform of IST College (asynchronous distance learning).
  • Blended Learning: Create your own flexible study program using any of the above tracking methods in combination.

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