
16 hours

Monitoring Method

Online & On demand

Language of Delivery


Start Date



Athens, Greece


Under the auspices of the General Secretariat of Vocational Education, Training, Lifelong Learning and Youth

Under the auspices of the Hellenic Society for the Promotion of Psychiatry and Related Sciences


Today’s reality as it takes shape requires us to think and live differently than in the past. We learn to accept that even if we cannot change what happens around us, we can control how we react to what happens. It therefore takes adaptability, flexibility and mental resilience to live consciously, in a healthy way, not just for our survival which often involves stress, fear and anxiety, but for our well-being with wonder, inspiration, creativity, gratitude, joy and love .

With the “MBA for Parents” seminar we will acquire the fundamental knowledge and skills to become conscious parents and above all we will gain awareness of how we think, how we feel, how we operate. We will Learn, Experience and Decide to grow.

As conscious parents we will find that guiding our child, with trust and respect for their abilities, is the basis for eliminating limiting beliefs but also for creating a healthy relationship with them, forever.

Objectives of the programme

The aim of the program is to make parents aware of areas that can play a decisive role in the correct formation of these beliefs, which will contribute to a happy, healthy life.

In today’s age when our options are infinite in all areas, we are called to properly manage them and develop mental resilience and adaptability, essential skills now for children, who today grow up in an unpredictable world. Appropriate management, therefore, of our emotions, our communication and our interpersonal relationships, our time, our stress, our diet, our attitude towards financial resources, will facilitate the formation of the parent’s behavior and strengthen his relationship with his child, and by extension the family function.

In the seminar, the issues that the modern parent has to deal with every day are clearly developed, and this awareness will help him to broaden his understanding of the upbringing of his child.

The Conscious Parent seminar is a valuable gift for you and your child’s future!


The purpose of this module is to help participants understand individual differences and various personality types, understand their personality dynamics, enhance communication and manage their emotions, and learn to manage and overcome stress and their irritation, as well as to determine the true degree of self-esteem and strengthen it. In addition, participants will also have the opportunity to see the value of prioritizing and organizing, as well as building a personal program based on evaluative criteria, so that time becomes a strong ally in their daily life and the above skills can be successfully transferred to younger ones. members of their family.

Interpersonal relationships are the “key” to personal development and identity, productivity and professional success, meaning and quality of life, physical and mental health, successful coping with stressful situations, self-actualization and humanity of each person .

The good management of interpersonal relationships is based on good self-knowledge, self-acceptance, trust in oneself (self-confidence), authenticity, respect and acceptance of diversity, empathy. When these factors are present, any family problems can be resolved constructively.

My child is not eating anything! My child eats like a bird! I have tried everything! Meal time is torture. I chase it to eat! He won’t stop eating! He wants sweets all the time!

These are some of the common statements of parents who are dealing with their children’s dietary peculiarities. How is our children’s relationship with food formed? And what role can we parents have in creating the conditions for our children to build a “healthy” relationship with food?

In this section we will discuss the issues of nutrition education that we as parents can have in order to educate our children. Topics will be presented such as how our diet is a factor of well-being and health, how our relationship with food is formed, how children develop their eating behavior by age, what are the nutritional problems in childhood and their causes, the 5 mistakes we make in our children’s eating behavior and of course we will try to give some interventions as well as advice in cases of dietary choices and refusals.

Georgios Vousinas is a senior manager of a multinational company and a researcher at the National Technical University of Athens, with over 20 years of working and teaching experience. In addition, he is a scientific associate at the Center for Studies and Education in Finance (KEMEX) of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA). He is a graduate of the Department of Economics of EKPA, with postgraduate studies in Financial Management (Athens University of Economics) and in Telecommunication Networks and Information Systems Management (EKPA). He is a recognized researcher (with a significant number of cross-references) and an international speaker, while his publications include papers published in scientific journals, chapters in academic books and papers presented at both academic and business international conferences. His research interests include political economy, new technologies, finance, sustainability, internal control and fraud. Among other achievements he is the author of the latest international anti-fraud theory (fraud hexagon theory).

This interactive seminar aims to highlight the current issue of sustainability to parents and discover how to apply sustainable principles to enhance the quality of life in the family, society and the planet. Through experiential activities, presentations, videos, discussion and useful resources we will explore together: a) the importance of connecting with Nature and being mindful to make informed choices as consumers, b) sustainability principles and global trends, c) the urgency of environmental problems and how they affect people, d) essential good practices to apply in our family and wider environment, e) resources and applications to keep our commitments.

Mania Zirides-Spentzou is an Educational Psychologist with a Masters in Global Health and Georgina Spyri is an Environmentalist and Environmental Science Educator with a PhD in Chemical Oceanography. They are both members of the Finnish NGO Carbon Busters, whose educational vision is to use new and effective ways to facilitate the understanding of the direct connection between human behavior and the consequences of climate change that negatively affect our planet.

The purpose of this module is to help participants understand the basic principles of leadership and how to apply them in their daily lives.

Through the 5 levels of leadership we will realize that as parents, for a certain period of our lives, it may be enough to lead from a “position”, but this does not last forever. So we will see how “we” can become better leaders, with the aim of creating a positive role model.

Because ultimately, leadership is influence. Nothing less, nothing more.

Skills and Techniques for Conscious Parents – Coaching Methodology

The module aims to introduce us to a range of skills and techniques which will contribute to a greater connection with children. It is based on trust in their abilities and respect for their potential to grow. It is sought to strengthen the guiding role that the parent can have, taking into account the talents, interests and rhythms of the child so that discipline and correction are not imposed but the child is self-regulated.

For those who wish to proceed with the planning of an action plan for the implementation of the changes they identified in the previous sections, this will be followed by an investigation of the needs and a presentation of the sections of the Group Coaching series for Conscious Parenting.

Nowadays, the digital world is interconnected with the physical one and the new generation, through the use of technology, fully experiences the feeling of globalization.

Through the internet, children are now in front of a vast source of information and knowledge, to which access is easy, fast and simple. In fact, this abundance of information teaches the child to identify, prioritize and evaluate what is useful and interesting to him.

The internet offers the child the possibility to act on his own, to have his own presence and identity, on the terms he determines. More specifically, on the internet, the child can create, construct, compare, collect, ask, learn by himself, self-evaluate and even at his own pace.

The internet makes learning a game, it offers the possibility for the child to play, sharpening his multiple abilities, while still giving him the opportunity to have live contact with other people anywhere in the world. Of course, the internet, like any modern technology, can have a negative influence if not used correctly.

The parental role therefore becomes particularly important, so that children are encouraged about technology but make proper use of technological media, and managing social media safely, setting boundaries and demonstrating proper online behavior.


The “MBA for Parents” seminar during the period is offered through modern distance learning (on-line) in a full cycle, with development of all modules, once per week as follows:

  • Stress and Time Management: Antonis Chrysogelos
  • Constructive Interpersonal Relationships – Emotional Intelligence: Om. Professor Maria Malikiosis-Loizou
  • Nutrition Education for Parents: Dr. Moira Dzitzika
  • Principles of Financial Education for the Future Financial Success of our Children (Money EQ): Georgios Vousinas
  • The Family Leader (Leadership): Nektarios Zisis
  • Sustainability and the Parental Role (Sustainable Parenting): Mania Spenzou & Dr. Georgina Spyri
  • Digital Awareness: Loukia Samata
  • Skills and techniques for conscious parents – Coaching methodology: Mirela Anagnosti


Maria Malikiosi-Loizou is Emeritus Professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Athens. He studied Psychology and holds a PhD in Counseling Psychology from the University of Maine State, USA.

She worked for 8 years as a researcher at the National Center for Social Research in Athens. He was awarded a scholarship by the French government where he carried out post-doctoral research (1983-1985) at the University of Paris (Paris VII – CNRS). At the same time, he collaborated with UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) in Paris. From 1987 to 2014, he served at the Department of Early Childhood Education and Training (TEAPI) of the University of Athens where he taught courses in Counseling Psychology at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. On her initiative, in 1995, the first Greek Student Counseling Center (SYKEOM) was founded, which operated voluntarily for 20 years offering services to students.

He founded and directed for five years the Master’s Program “Counseling Psychology and Counseling in Education, Health, Work” of the University of Athens in collaboration with the University of Thrace. She has been honored “for her contribution to the development of Counseling in Europe” by the European Association for Counseling Psychology (EACP) and by the Hellenic Psychological Association (ELPSE). He is an honorary member of the Hellenic Consulting Society (HES) and the Hellenic Person-Centered and Experiential Society (EPBE).

Business Consultant & Seminar Presenter for Sales, New Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Innovation, Management, Project/Time/Stress/Conflict/Change/Event Management, Public Relations, Negotiations, Coaching, Mentoring. He has many years of experience in the sales & marketing departments of multinational & large Greek companies with pharmaceutical, biotechnology & consumer (FMCG) products. Today he works as a Medical Representative at the company Sandoz – Novartis Hellas SA & is a co-founder of the startup online beauty & fashion magazine beautymagic.gr. At the same time, he holds the role of Pharma Industry Lead Mentor for the “Career Orientation for Schools” project of 100Mentors.com. He is a graduate of the Department of Organization & Business Administration of the Athens University of Economics and Business (formerly ASOEE).

Nektarios Zisis has been active in the field of pharmacy for 15 years, having been a Sales Director & Commercial Director in commercial companies, while he is now in the ADVANCE PHARMACIES SA Pharmacy Network as a Trainer & Business Consultant as well as a key partner of IST College.

He is a speaker at pharmaceutical conferences, a columnist in a health magazine (Pharmacymanagement) and a trainer at in-company seminars, in large companies, such as Vardas, Bread Factory, Natura Pharm, Laser4Myopia, etc.

A milestone moment in his career is his recent certification by the John Maxwell World Organization (internationally recognized leadership expert, speaker and author, awarded by the AMA ⃰ as a leader in leadership) as a Speaker, Trainer & Coach. It is worth noting that only two have received this distinction in Greece. ⃰ (American Management Association)

He specializes in Leadership, Communication, Goal Achieving, Sales Techniques and Team Spirit. Being highly contagious, what characterizes his trainings is the structure and focus on goal and result, which is universally recognized by the respective audience.

Georgios Vousinas is a senior manager of a multinational company and a researcher at the National Technical University of Athens, with over 20 years of working and teaching experience. In addition, he is a scientific associate at the Center for Studies and Education in Finance (KEMEX) of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA). He is a graduate of the Department of Economics of EKPA, with postgraduate studies in Financial Management (Athens University of Economics) and in Telecommunication Networks and Information Systems Management (EKPA). He is a recognized researcher (with a significant number of cross-references) and an international speaker, while his publications include papers published in scientific journals, chapters in academic books and papers presented at both academic and business international conferences. His research interests include political economy, new technologies, finance, sustainability, internal control and fraud. Among other achievements he is the author of the latest international anti-fraud theory (fraud hexagon theory).

Mirela Anagnosti maintains a sole proprietorship as a Human Resource Development Consultant, Transformational Coach and Adult Trainer. He works with freelancers, business owners and executives, students, as well as individuals, providing individual sessions, group coaching and experiential seminars (Executive, Career, Business & Relationship Coaching) for personal and professional development. He has a degree in Organization and Business Administration from the University of Piraeus and a master’s degree in Human Resources Management from the Athens University of Economics. He specialized in Adult Education through a Certified Program of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and was certified by the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance of Professionals (E.O.P.E.P.E.P.) and in Coaching through a Certified Program by European and Mentoring Coaching Council and the Association for Coaching, of the Athens Coaching Institute.

After 20 years of experience in customer service, sales, organization of sales teams, adult training and coaching for individuals, groups, teams in both small and medium-sized and multinational companies as well as in educational institutions, he gained valuable experience in the fields of interpersonal communication , of relationships, entrepreneurship, leadership, goal setting, excellence, the power of vision and above all the value of harmony in our personal and professional lives.

Combining her professional and academic experience, for the past seven years she has been encouraging the people she works with to discover the range of their potential, to find their own solutions to the challenges they encounter every day, enjoying a beautiful and balanced life. Through the coaching process they meet and choose the best version of themselves focusing on self-care, self-awareness and joy.

Together with its partners, among other things, they design and implement workshops and programs of an interactive and experiential approach (Group Coaching) for the development of skills and techniques for parents as well as for professionals to strengthen the connection with oneself, parents, partners, partners and the children.

He is an active member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council – EMCC Greece since 2018 and participates as a Coach and as a member of organizational committees in the empowerment programs for students (Gold-HR Awards 2021), NGO executives, and Peer Coaching.

Mania Ziridis Spentzou combines studies and professional experience in the fields of psychology, education, business administration, global health and sustainability. Through a humanitarian mission in Tanzania, traveling around the world to learn the best educational models and working with people from different countries, he developed a special interest in inspiring children, youth, parents and educators about important issues. Topics such as sustainability and sustainable development goals, humanitarian aid, education for peace, climate change, human rights, values, life skills, emotional intelligence are some of the topics she is passionate about. Positive energy and compassion are her driving force in empowering young and adult students to become catalysts for change through the design and implementation of educational programs, projects, seminars and manuals. He has trained hundreds of people hoping to multiply good deeds for a sustainable and peaceful world.

Dr. Georgina Spyri is Director of Carbon Busters Greece and Head of Education and Research at the Attica Zoological Park. She has worked as a researcher on Chemical Oceanography and specializes in education on the effects of climate change. Since 2002 she has been teaching environmental science through formal and non-formal education to various ages, from preschool children to students, e.g., as a University Professor at the City University of New York. He is a member of the Committee for Communication and Education of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature which established the Red List of Threatened Species, the International Zoo Educators Association and a member of the Committee for Education of the European Association of Zoo and Aquaria. Her love for Nature began when she was a child and since then she has constantly worked to connect those around her to the natural beauty of our planet and inspire them to preserve it.

Loukia Samata has studies in Economics (National and Kapodistrian University), MSc in e-Business and Digital Marketing and a postgraduate degree (PMBA). He works as a Digital & e-Commerce Marketing Manager in a nutritional and health supplement company and is co-founder & CEO of Fertility Route, an online medical & tourism mediation company specializing in IVF.

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