
9 hours

Monitoring Method


Language of Delivery


Start Date



Athens, Greece


The seminar aims to raise awareness, offer tools and provide solutions to parents who are called to respond to unprecedented and urgent situations. Through empowerment, encouragement and interaction we will develop a practical toolkit for parents, we will discover emotion management techniques, values ​​e.g. respect and life skills e.g. cooperation, which will help us to live harmoniously, with mental resilience and well-being.

We will get to know ourselves better, we will discover what the child inside us hides, our deepest needs, the games our “Ego” plays, what anger hides, how emotions are created and how to manage them.

We will discover what they are and how to overcome the obstacles in our relationship with our children, why some relationships are harmonious while others conflict, why we want control so much, how to communicate more effectively, the effect of expectations and the projection of our own I want us, how to develop empathy, acceptance, and cooperation.

The time we spend in Nature is precious. From enhancing memory and increasing creativity to fighting stress and depression, Nature provides us with a wide range of gifts important to our well-being. This theme unit is designed with lots of love for parents who want to learn the importance but also great ways to reconnect with Nature. Examples from the natural world will be given that inspire us to understand that we are ultimately an integral part of it.

In this program we will learn:

  • Knowledge
  • Skills
  • Mental resilience
  • Practices
  • Tools
  • values

The way of training and learning is experiential and interactive, more specifically it includes:

  • Presentations, videos, assignments, experiential exercises, practical tools, engagements
  • Weekly experiential exercises, reflection, connection, sharing, questions and answers


  • How to live a life of meaning, happiness, abundance and contentment
  • How to promote mental resilience?
  • How to promote well-being?
  • What do our behaviors hide?
  • How do we manage “big” emotions?
  • What causes our reactions?
  • The big ME… the little child we hide inside
  • How do our beliefs affect us?
  • How can we gain control over our emotions and reactions?
  • What can we do when we encounter obstacles?
  • How do we handle failures?

Through this seminar we will discover the power of:

  • The connection and how we achieve it
  • Of the game
  • Of simplicity
  • Of free time
  • Effective communication (verbal and non-verbal)
  • Of encouragement
  • We will leave behind everything that stands in the way of our connection with our children e.g. projections, expectations, labels.
  • We will discover different types of parenting and parenting (eg Helicopter parent, tiger mum)
  • We will develop the connected parent’s toolbox by discovering useful tools and techniques that will make our daily life harmonious and enjoyable

We will discover:

  • Ways to reconnect with nature
  • The principles that govern nature
  • Lessons from the natural environment and animals
  • How to live in the present
  • Mindfulness techniques to calm down and concentrate
  • How to make conscious choices
  • How to enjoy the abundance of nature
  • The elements of nature and what we can “get” from them

We will learn:

  • Ways to raise responsible, aware and conscious children
  • Universal values ​​such as respect, compassion, kindness, peace
  • For sustainability and sustainable development goals as a means of solving global challenges
  • Ways to empower our children to become active agents of change by contributing to the local or global community with small or large everyday acts
  • Parents
  • Adults
  • Educators
  • Caregivers


Mania Ziridis Spentzou combines studies and professional experience in the fields of psychology, education, business administration, global health and sustainability. Through a humanitarian mission in Tanzania, traveling around the world to learn the best educational models and working with people from different countries, he developed a special interest in inspiring children, youth, parents and educators about important issues. Topics such as sustainability and sustainable development goals, human rights, values, life skills, emotional intelligence, humanitarian aid, education for peace, climate change, are some of the topics she is passionate about. Positive energy and compassion are her driving force in empowering young and adult students to become catalysts for change through the design and implementation of educational programs, projects, seminars and manuals. He has trained hundreds of people hoping to multiply good deeds for a sustainable and peaceful world.

Dr. Georgina Spyri is Director of Carbon Busters Greece and Head of Education and Research at the Attica Zoological Park. She has worked as a researcher on Chemical Oceanography and specializes in education on the effects of climate change. Since 2002 she has been teaching environmental science through formal and non-formal education to various ages, from preschool children to students, e.g., as a University Professor at the City University of New York. He is a member of the Committee for Communication and Education of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature which established the Red List of Threatened Species, the International Zoo Educators Association and a member of the Committee for Education of the European Association of Zoo and Aquaria. Her love for Nature began when she was a child and since then she has constantly worked to connect those around her to the natural beauty of our planet and inspire them to preserve it.

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