Entrepreneurship and Employability

Linking Education to the Labour Market

Job-Oriented Skills Programme (J.O.P.)

Priority in your Vocational Rehabilitation

IST’s main concern is to link education to the labour market through a series of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of study, which combine theory with international methodology and practice, while at the same time responding to and being adapted to the requirements of the Greek reality and the international labour market.

At IST all academic programmes are designed, implemented and supported in such a way that they directly and clearly reflect the career prospects of graduates, helping you to develop the necessary skills to respond to today’s ever-changing working conditions.

Your preparation for labour market penetration is methodical and gradual, through a set of actions that aim at your professional orientation and the development of the skills you need to ensure your professional rehabilitation and become competitive in the labour market.

The set of actions to develop your skills aimed at enhancing your career prospects includes:

Practical Exercise

In addition to the real-life projects and research you carry out, you have the opportunity to participate in long or short term unpaid or paid internship programmes in your field of specialisation in companies and organisations where the corresponding vacancies are presented. It is worth noting that some programmes of study provide for mandatory placement in companies and organisations with which IST has developed close cooperation.

Development of Professional & Personal Skills

During your studies you have the opportunity to participate in a series of parallel educational activities, which focus on the development of your personal and professional skills. These activities take the form of seminars (e.g. CV writing, interview techniques, etc.), as well as workshops and conferences (on various scientific and/or topical issues).

In addition to the IST scientific staff, these activities are actively attended by professors and experienced business executives who contribute to the broadening of the educational process and your continuous reflection on contemporary scientific and social issues.

Counselling for Continuation of Studies

The ease of your professional rehabilitation is often determined by the acquisition of postgraduate qualifications.

You can choose one of the successful postgraduate programmes offered at IST or look for another programme in Greece or abroad.

We support you in the whole process of searching and selecting the right postgraduate programme. These services are of an advisory nature and include the selection of the programme – University, the completion of the applications and guidance on the certification of English language skills.




Lecture and Presentation Series “Business Voice”

At regular intervals during the academic year, IST organizes a series of lectures and presentations under the general title “Business Voice”. The guest speakers, high-ranking and renowned business executives, through their presentations, inform you about issues concerning the companies they represent, current issues and examples of cases they have dealt with, giving you the opportunity to enrich your knowledge and exchange views on issues facing businesses and professionals from all sectors of the economy.

Educational Visits “IST on Site”

This organisation concerns a series of educational visits of IST students to businesses and organizations, in the context of which you are given the opportunity to tour the premises of the business or organization and come into contact with their executives, gaining knowledge and perception of the working environment, the individual functions of a business or an organization, while developing a network of contacts.

Crazy Business Ideas Entrepreneurship Competition

IST College’s Crazy Business Ideas Contest aims to strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit and skills of young people. The contest supports youth entrepreneurship, innovation and young people.