Frequent questions

  • Studies are easier than ever with the support of a dynamic educational platform, video recordings of lessons, and the option for on-demand viewing!
  • High level education with experiential learning and workshops in all subjects.
  • Continuous evaluation by the students of the individual courses, professors and infrastructure of the faculty.
  • Institution of Supervising Academic Professor for each student (Personal Tutor
  • Possibility of finding a job through the JOP as well as the internship.
  • International orientation and networking with exchange programs in collaboration with pioneering European Universities.
  • Professors with internationally recognized scientific activity and distinctions.
  • Enhancing entrepreneurship with many cases of graduates who, with the appropriate curriculum, acquired specialized knowledge and skills, conceived the idea and with the right guidance and encouragement from mentor teachers, planned and succeeded in creating global businesses, such as taxibeat, simple app and many others!
  • Studies at IST College are organized in academic years, with each year divided into two academic semesters (October – January, February – June). Undergraduate programs last 3 academic years, while postgraduate programs are offered either full time or part time. Each academic year includes two normal examination periods (February & May/June) as well as one repeat examination period.
  • The candidate must have a High School Leaving Certificate (General or EPA.L) and does not need to have participated in the Pan-Hellenic exams. However, no specific score is required to enroll in IST College’s undergraduate programs.
  • In the undergraduate programs in Management, Accounting, Tourism and Informatics, the first 3 semesters are taught in Greek, while the last 3 semesters are taught in English. Students can enroll in the program of their choice regardless of their level of English. They participate in a diagnostic English test to determine exactly their level, so that it can be improved over the next 3 semesters by attending remedial courses (4-6 hours per week) without any additional financial burden. All postgraduate programs are offered in Greek and/or English. Students participate in a diagnostic test and those below C1 (Advanced) attend remedial English courses alongside their academic program where required.
  • IST College gives recruitment deferment. You can discuss the exact relevant procedure in person with the responsible officer at 68 Syngrou Street, Athens 117 42, or by phone.
  • IST College keeps tuition fees constant at each level of study as long as the student renews their registration by July 31 of each year.
  • You register and attend classes from October to June
  • Take the February, June and September exams
  • Your assignments are personally supervised by members of the teaching staff
  • Participate in Induction Week activities
  • You use the Library during your studies
  • You have access to the computer labs during your studies
  • You can participate in the co-curricular activities organized by IST College
  • You will be issued the corresponding study certificates, certificates and your degree
  • You will be issued the corresponding study certificates, certificates and your degree
  • Participate in seminars and workshops organized by IST College
  • Join the Job Skills Program (JOP)
  • Tuition is paid either once with a discounted rate or in monthly installments.
  • IST College has developed, since its inception, a program of scholarships and awards, wishing to support students who stand out with their academic performance. At the same time, however, it wants to make it easier for young people in the difficult economic times for many to access higher education, having established a series of scholarships and discounts for young people who are not students of IST College. It is noted that the scholarships cover the tuition fees of IST College. They do not cover the tuition fees of the IST College University partner. For detailed information on scholarships and discounts click here. (link to the scholarships category).
  • IST College has received an Establishment and Operation License from the Ministry of Education under Law 3696/2008 and as amended by Law 3848/2010. IST College’s Operating License was renewed on August 5, 2013 (108250/ΙΑ, GAZ 1986 B’). Also, in the context of the new legislation, IST has received a license of a Private Vocational Training Institute ‘I.I.E.K. IST’ (110761/ΙΑ΄/09-08-2013, Official Gazette 2038, B) as well as the Center for Lifelong Learning II (License Code 2000026).
  • The degrees granted by the Colleges are entitled to recognition of the professional equivalence of higher education titles of the Greek formal education system. The competent body for granting is the ATEEN (Autonomous Department for the Implementation of European Legislation). A large number of graduates of IST College have followed the legal procedures for the recognition of professional equivalence of their degree and ATEEN has issued the relevant decisions, granting them professional equivalence.
  • Graduates of IST College, as holders of degrees from Universities abroad, can continue, if they wish, their studies in a Master’s program at any University abroad. Also, in most programs it is possible to continue their studies at any stage in the corresponding program offered by the partnering IST College University, depending on the curriculum and availability of the University.
  • As students of IST College you have the opportunity to participate in sports teams, such as those of football and basketball that take part every year in the respective intercollegiate tournaments with significant success and distinctions. At the same time and always according to the demand, Mountaineering, Sailing and Winter Skiing groups operate. As students or graduates of IST College, you have the opportunity to participate in activity groups according to your personal interests (organization of conferences, workshops, excursions, charity fundraisers, etc.) as well as in all the lectures held throughout the year.
  • IST College accepts students from Universities Abroad, HEIs, TEIs, Colleges as well as IEK graduates. Candidates, after providing the necessary supporting documents and following an evaluation by the foreign university (mapping process), are admitted to the corresponding year-semester and complete their studies at IST College, without having to start from the beginning.
  • IST College offers the possibility of flexible attendance of all its Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs, with a combination of physical presence and distance learning (Blended Learning). Through the modern Electronic Education Platform of IST College, the courses are offered online with real time monitoring from the classroom (modern education), but also videotaped (asynchronous education), as a result of which it is possible to follow the course as many times as needed, up to completion of the program. Even the e-books, notes and all educational material are available on the educational platform, while it is particularly important that in any case and regardless of the method of attendance there is the possibility to contact the professors for questions, queries and clarifications that you may need during during the lessons, through the online education platform. What is Blended Learning? It is the evolution of education internationally, combining two ways of attending, classroom presence and distance learning. Mixed education, Blended Learning, is ideal for those who cannot attend full-time studies with a physical presence in the classroom. Thus, it contains the element of traditional teaching and classroom experience for specific periods in each semester but at the same time provides the flexibility of online and on demand education, wherever and whenever it suits you and your distance learning schedule. This new way of education is student-centered, offering well-structured as well as high-quality academic programs.
  • IST, as a certified K.B.D.M, offers a wide variety of seminars and trainings for those who wish to develop and develop their skills alongside their studies or work. To see the available seminars in detail, click here.
  • IST College actively contributes to strengthening the professional careers of its students and graduates through the Professional Skills Program (JOP) by providing a number of lectures and workshops such as Career Day, Business Voice etc. and specialized seminars such as Career Planning (link to the seminar), the which aim to strengthen the resume and skills required during the interview process. At the same time, through the contacts and the large network of graduates of the college, it is possible to promote a CV.