Scholarship Program & Cost of studies

Scholarship Programme/CSR

IST College has, since its inception, developed a scholarship and award program, wishing to support students who excel in academic performance or who need financial support to attend one of its programs.

At the same time, IST College believes that, over time, it is imperative to invest in the most important asset of businesses, which is their human resources. For this reason and in order to strengthen the competitiveness of Greek businesses, IST College offers, in a joint initiative with businesses and institutions, scholarships to business executives to attend postgraduate programmes of their choice or other Lifelong Learning programmes.

Finally, IST College is honoured that important public benefit and non-profit institutions in the country have trusted and collaborated with the College to provide scholarships.

IST College’s Scholarship Program is constantly renewed and enriched, based on the synergies and partnerships that the college develops with important institutions, businesses and foundations in the country. Thus, in addition to the subsidy in annual tuition fees, based on the student’s individual and/or family financial situation and/or educational profile, as well as the scholarships that are added to the IST College’s portfolio each year, the IST College Scholarship Programme has, indicatively, offered:

Scholarships in cooperation with “Ella Resorts”

Ella Resorts, the hotel platform of HIG Capital, a leading fund manager in the U.S. and Europe, with over $52 billion in assets, has already invested in Greece, in 7 luxury hotels in Rhodes, Corfu & Crete. At the same time it invests in tourism education and human capital which it considers key pillars of growth and success.  With the above in mind, Ella Resorts offers three (3) full-time scholarships for the three-year undergraduate programme (Bachelors) “BA (Hons) International Tourism & Hospitality” of IST College, in collaboration with Wrexham Glyndwr University.

It concerns full-time scholarships, offered by the shipping company “Navarone S.A.”, for postgraduate studies at IST College, addressed to graduates of Greek Universities or equivalent academic institutions abroad with a very good knowledge of the English language.

Scholarships in cooperation with “EUROPEAN NAVIGATION INC”

It concerns full-time scholarships, offered by the shipping company “European Navigation Inc”, for postgraduate studies at IST College, addressed to graduates of Greek Universities or equivalent Academic Institutions abroad with a very good knowledge of the English language.

Granting of scholarships in cooperation with “AIGEAS AMKE” Non-profit Civil Society for Cultural and Public Benefit Project

With the support of the “AIGEAS” Non-profit Cultural and Public Benefit Project, the opportunity is offered to young people who want to study but are in financial difficulty to find their purpose in life, through full-time scholarships, which are addressed to 3rd grade students with criteria of excellence and economic-social criteria.

Scholarships in cooperation with the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (E.B.E.A.).

In a joint initiative to strengthen the competitiveness of Greek businesses, IST College and the Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry (A.I.C.I.C.), have created a scholarship program worth over 200,000 euros, offering scholarships to Greek business executives to attend postgraduate programs of their choice.

Granting of the “C. Kassimatis” in cooperation with the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry).

This is a full-time scholarship in memory and honour of the late President of the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, George Kasimatis, the longest serving President of the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The scholarship offered is addressed to “Piraeus children”, children of members of the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry and is for postgraduate programmes in Business Administration and Information Technology (MBA and MSc).

Scholarships for the “Crowdhackathon” events

IST College, in collaboration with S.E.T.E. (Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises), the National Bank of Greece, Crowd Policy and other institutions, as a strong supporter of initiatives and ideas oriented towards innovation, entrepreneurship and interconnection, especially when they come from young people, young scientists and new companies, offers to the Crowdhackathons (“Marathons” for the development of applications, services, new ideas, etc. a.), scholarships for postgraduate programmes to the winning teams. Thus, so far it has supported a number of events and indicatively mentioned: Application Development Marathon for Tourism with the theme: “SETE Tourism Crowdhackathon, Innovating with Open Data”, Financial Transactions Marathon : NBG I-BANK #FINTECH CROWDHACKATHON.

Scholarships awarded to the Equal Society’s “Study with Scholarship” Programme

IST College supports the Equal Society’s “Study with Scholarship” programme for many years by offering full-time scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes.

Scholarships for Graduates of the Hellenic American Educational Foundation (Athens College – Psychiko College)

These are full-time, full-time, postgraduate level scholarships offered to graduates of the Hellenic American Educational Foundation (Athens College – Psychiko College).

Scholarships for the winners of the “ECONOMIA” Student Competition

IST College supports the institution of the ECONOMIA Student Contest, which has been conducted for many years by OIKOMIKI EPITHEORISI and every year offers full-time scholarships to one of the first 3 students-winners of the Contest, which each time focuses on a different topic related to a sector of the Greek economy.

Granting of a scholarship to the Hellenic Counselling Society for the programme “BTEC Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling”

IST College, in the framework of its collaboration with the Hellenic Counselling Society for the organization of a two-day conference at its premises, has awarded a full-time scholarship for the two-year programme “BTEC Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling”.

IST College, participating in the “7th Axion Hellas Crossing” and supporting its educational activities which, among other things, aim to offer services to the inhabitants of remote and inaccessible areas, is standing by and offered for the support of 3rd grade students in the areas covered by the “7th Axion Hellas Crossing” (Astypalaea, Tilos, Halki and Kastelorizo), for the academic year 2019-2020, Scholarships of a total value of 35. 000 euros for Undergraduate programmes as well as for Lifelong Learning programmes.

For one of the scholarships, Kallichoron-Art Boutique Hotel, offers additional living expenses coverage, in memory of “Georgios Palatianos”, through the “Kallichoron Room2Give” program, while the scholar will also have the opportunity to do his/her internship during the summer months, through the Kallichoron Internship Scheme.

IST College in cooperation with the WAR MUSEUM and in the framework of a two-year cooperation agreement on issues mainly related to the Museum’s activities and the strengthening of its extroversion and its social and cultural offer, offer, among other things, undergraduate scholarships addressed to children of employees (military and civilian personnel) and retirees of the Ministry of National Defence who are graduates of the 3rd grade.

IST College in response to the proposal of the President of the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece (C.U.M.G.E.), Mr. George Patoulis, in support of our fellow citizens belonging to vulnerable social groups (ESO) who wish to study but do not have the opportunity due to severe economic hardship, offered with the support of the “sister” foundation SBIE, 50 full scholarships for study to socially & economically vulnerable citizens of Attica in any specialty of their choice.

Cost of studies

Tuition and Registration

In order to enroll and attend a programme at IST College you will have to pay annual fees which include the right to annual registration at the partner institution. A large number of our students enjoy preferential tuition fees through IST College’s Discount Policy and/or the Scholarship Programme – Find out more!

For the exact amount of annual tuition fees as well as the annual registration fee at the partner educational institution, please consult the IST College Financial Services Department.

With the payment of the annual tuition fees:

  • You are registered with the IST College partner institution (e.g. Swansea University, Wrexham University, Lyon Catholic University – UCLy, IDRAC Business School, College de Paris)
  • You register and attend courses from the beginning of October until the end of May
  • You sit the February, June and September examinations
  • Your work is personally supervised by members of the teaching staff
  • You can take remedial courses in various subjects in your field of specialisation
  • Participate in On Boarding activities
  • You have access to study and research resources through the dynamic educational platform of IST College and the partner institution during your studies
  • You have the option of watching video courses (On Demand) at your own time and pace through IST College’s modern educational platform.
  • You have access to the computer labs during your studies
  • You can participate in the parallel learning activities organised by IST College
  • You will be issued with the relevant study certificates, ID cards, certificates and degree
  • You can attend English language courses
  • Participate in seminars and workshops organised by IST College
  • You can attend a professional qualification (Diploma) at no extra cost

Tuition fees do not include the cost of purchasing books and textbooks, photocopies and participation in excursions or other events.

If you fail an annual or semester course and need to re-enroll, you will be required to pay tuition for each course. Further information can be obtained from the IST College Financial Services Department or your Student Advisor.

Annual tuition fees should be paid in one lump sum or arranged in instalments on the day of registration, in consultation with IST College Financial Services.
